Coaching Philosophy
Throughout my 15 years of athletics, I have experienced a wide variety of coaches all of which instilled different coaching philosophies upon me. Through these various methods of coaching, I have learned what methods work, and which methods have negative effects when coaching young adults. I hope to take what I have experienced throughout my athletic career, and establish a successful coaching strategy.
Coaching is the practice of supporting an individual or individuals through the process of achieving a specific result. As a coach, you are responsible for guiding your athletes to reach their full potential on and off the field by creating a safe and motivating environment. Not only is a coach a mentor, but they are a role model, and it is their responsibility to motivate their athletes in the most beneficial ways. Every day will be competitive for my athletes, creating an atmosphere of hardworking and dedicated individuals. Proper work ethic will be instilled within all of my players, as well as mental preparation, which is as much a part of a coaching philosophy as physical preparation.
The power of mind is the most powerful weapon for any person, and if an individual can envision them self completing a goal and obtaining a true objective, working hard becomes part of their nature. Within mental preparation is setting goals; creating an objective is the key to success for any team. It provides something to drive for and works as the greatest motivator beyond any coach or trainer. My athletes will set various team goals and will work their hardest to achieve these goals as one unit. The most important part of my coaching philosophy is teamwork. Teamwork is the actions of individuals, brought together for a common purpose or goal, which subordinate the needs of the individual to the needs of the group. Each person on the team puts aside his or her individual needs to work towards the larger group objective. My team will know that the name on the front of the jersey is much more important than the name on the back; the team must always come first.
A top priority in my coaching philosophy is to develop character and respect into each of my athletes. I am not only there to guide my athletes to their full athletic potential, but to develop their potential for their world beyond athletics. Athletes should use the same attitude they display on the athletic field as they will in their professional career. Athletics provides the opportunity to develop physical skills, as well as provides an atmosphere to expand social skills. Through enhancing their social skills, these characteristics can further be utilized throughout their life. Thus, the benefits I provide for my athletes will not only help them on the field, but will become lifelong skills to help them develop into an adult that allows them to reach their full potential.
Although winning championships may be the end result of a hard worked season, there is a much more important factor that must never be overlooked. Academic success is not only a requirement of eligibility, but is an essential component of the growth of the youth. Academic success is essential for any student-athlete who wants to take their athletics to the next level. Both athletic and academic success can be achieved by using the same core values; due-diligence, hard work, determination, and a competitive drive.
Teaching Philosophy:
Everyone has a calling in life, whether that is an entrepreneur, firefighter, or police officer. From the moment I contemplated my future, I knew I wanted to shape the minds of the youth. Teaching is a skill not everyone has the ability to maintain, and as an advocate of living a healthy lifestyle I acknowledge my purpose in life to share my knowledge of physical education with future generations. Teaching as well as learning is a lifelong process, which I actively embrace and look forward to.
My hope is to be the person my students want to emulate, look up to, and turn to for advice; my wish is to guide each child to their full potential. In accomplishing this it is important to create an ideal teaching environment. The primary features of this environment consist of a healthy and safe work space, positive encouragement, proper feedback, and the promotion of respect towards others. Each student is a unique individual, with differences. As an instructor it is my responsibility to connect my students learning with something they can both relate to and view as valuable. As an instructor you must always be willing to change your teaching strategy depending on the students and their particular motivational needs. It is important that as an instructor you are prepared for any situation, and can adapt and overcome the potential problems you may encounter.
Overall as a physical educator, my goal is to have my students learn and appreciate the benefits of physical activity, engage in healthy practices, be able to perform basic motor and psychomotor skills, develop a desire for learning, and to exhibit strong morals, values and character. I hope to continue to grow as an instructor by keeping an open mind, and continuously learn about my field of education through various educational outlets.
Educational philosophy:
The role of education in the United States is swiftly becoming overlooked. I feel the responsibility of education is incredibly undervalued. Every child has the potential to be something great despite certain circumstances. Each child is a unique individual, who requires certain direction in order to discover their true passion.
The role of education in the United States is swiftly becoming overlooked. I feel the responsibility of education is incredibly undervalued. Every child has the potential to be something great despite certain circumstances. Each child is a unique individual, who requires certain direction in order to discover their true passion.
The purpose of the educational system is to give students a place where they determine the direction they want to lead in their life. It should be a place where students are able to socially and physically interact, establishing socialization skills for the real world. The backbone of this ideal educational system will come from the work of a famous educational reformer, John Dewey. Dewey’s main beliefs where that education and learning are social and interactive processes, and thus the school itself is a social institution through which social reform can and should take place. He also believed that students thrive in an environment where they are allowed to experience and interact with the curriculum, and all students should have the opportunity to take part in their own learning. Dewey’s philosophies are a very strong depiction of what I believe in my own particular way. I know through my development in the education system, I work best with actual interaction within the certain subject being learned. Within this social interaction I feel it is necessary for teachers to guide their students in ways that will reach each individual’s unique learning styles.
The educational system should instill a sense of responsibility and respect into each and every student. These acquired skills will be carried with each and every student throughout their lifetime, and is essential in life after education. Discipline will always be maintained in order to have a successful and orderly process of learning. Every educational system should be based around a fundamental principle of safety. A safe learning environment is crucial to any form of education, and the responsibility is on the teachers and administrators to create this type of atmosphere. Students should be able to gain a valuable education without the stress of an unsafe learning environment. The educational system is essential for the future of our community and our country. With greater emphasis on education our country has the possibility to reach new heights through the youth of America, our leaders and inventors of the future.